You are a dwarf sunflower seed and you have just been planted.
Where do you want to be located?
[[In the Shade]] of a local elementary school.
[[Out in the Open]] , surrounded by rolling green hills.
[[In a garden]] tended to by a sweet old woman.
[[Near the road]] where the sun gently touches a patch of grass.
I absorb a lot of water over the past week and my shell breaks open. My roots start to [[develop]]. My body is weak. I feel my life energy drain away. I decompose into the soil and become nutrients for my future children, sibling and family.
[[start]] over?My siblings who are out in the open are producing around 1000 seeds right now but I can't produce as much.
How many should I produce?
[[1000]]I'm having a hard time growing still. I normally face my head towards the sun but beacuse my stem is short I don't have a lot of room to move.
I [[die]] reluctantly.
Omg I am the ugliest flower in sight. I notice all the other flowers (sunflowers, pride of barbados, cardinal flowers etc. ) recieving lots of pollinators. Like bees, butterflies, and birds. Meanwhile they fly right past me. I am invisible to them.
What should I do?
[[attract flies instead of the more conventional pollinators]]
I produced 400 seeds and I am happy to see 1/3 of them begin to grow over the last five weeks of my life where I have bloomed and am now welting. I'm a proud mother. I can rest easy now knowing that my genetic line is continuing.
I peacefully [[die]] .I produced 200 seeds and I am happy to see 1/3 of them begin to grow over the next five weeks of my life where I bloomed and am now welting. I'm a proud mother. I can rest easy now knowing that my genetic line is continuing.
I peacefully [[die]] .I produced 5 seeds and even though I am happy to see them all grow over the last five weeks of my life where I have bloomed and now I am welting. I am still dissapointed in myself for not doing better. I wish I could have grown in a better area.
I [[die]] sad.I literally can't do that.
I [[die]] from strain .I absorb a lot of water over the past week and my shell breaks open. My roots [[grow in ]].
I bloom for 3 full weeks and I wilt for 2. I [[die]] alongside my siblings. I am burning. "PLEASE HELP!", I shout. I can feel the water within my stems boiling. I decide to not get as much sun the [[next day.]]I am growing at a wonderful rate and I am attracting lots of bees but oh no! There is a [[large gust of wind coming right my way!!!]]I do my best to bend and weave with the wind but I get too overwhelmed by the force of the wind and I snap and [[die]] .I absorb a lot of water over the past week and my shell breaks open. My roots [[emerge]] . A cut-worm is approaching me. I start to get nervous. I saw some flowers die from it eating them.
What Should I Do?
[[release compounds]] to signal to my siblings that they should also release insect repellent.
[[hope]] that the human does something. I quickly release compounds and my siblings do the same. Our natural insect repllent diverts the cut-worm away for a little but he still takes a few bites from me. I'm frazzled but I survived. With all the stress of the day I decide to go to [[sleep]] .The beautiful, sweet absolutely wonderful human comes and sprits me with a combination of oil and water just in time. I am safe and the cut-worm runs off in a hurry.
I go to [[sleep]] for the night.
I move around to the east to prepare for the rising sun. [[Goodnight]] I say to my siblings, the moon and also to myself. I choose to get less sun today. A solid 6-8 hours like the doctor told me to. Apparently the perfect amount of sunlight for a dwarf sunflower is 6-8 hours. I did get a lot less sun today but it also rained a lot. Like actually, A LOT! No exaggerations this time.
[[my soil drains]] the water well.
[[my soil retains most of the water]]. My feet are wet and I feel disgusting. I hate that feeling. I get a bit of root rot. Luckily, I have deep roots so I might be okay with just a little bit of [[root rot.]] I am feeling very comfortable and do much better taking care of myself. I live a full 3 weeks of my life in bloom and now I have been wilting for 2 weeks. I am now going to [[die]] . A small shoot makes its way out from my roots and breaks the soil of the pot I'm in. I bud for 6 weeks and when I come to bloom I notice that I'm surrounded by other dwarf plants. It's nice to have company. I [[get lonely sometimes... ]] I wake up and I have a visitor that I'm very excited about. He's a friendly beetle. He comes up to me and drinks the nectar from the center of my flower. His body picks up some pollen from my anthers and carries it to one of my siblings. That pollen then gets dropped onto the stigma and fertilizes them. I recieve fertilization from a bee later on. I'm excited to produce my own seeds in the [[future]] :)
I live in my prime for a solid 3 weeks. To be honest, the best three weeks of my life. Within two weeks, my head drops and I have a harder time following the sun. I [[die]] on the third week. A small shoot makes its way out from my roots and breaks the soil I'm in. I bud for 6 weeks and then I bloom. Now that I am fully bloomed I realize how nice the sun feels. I widen my petals in the warmth. I am feeling very calm and happy right now.
How much sun should I recieve?
[[16-18 hours]]
[[6-8 hours]]A small shoot makes its way out from my roots and breaks the soil. I bud for 6 weeks and then I bloom. When I fully bloom I think,"How Strange!". This place is very cold and now i am shivering.
What should I do?
[[produce less seeds]]
[[stunt my growth]]
[[have ugly dull petals]]Turns out I was wrong. I am about to [[die]] from root rot. I am pretty sad about it. im poisoned rip. I absorb a lot of water over the past week and my shell breaks open. My roots start to [[grow]]. A small shoot makes its way out from my roots and breaks the soil I'm in. I bud for 6 weeks and then I bloom. Now that I am fully bloomed I realize how wrong the dirt feels. I am having a [[hard time]] growing.
Thanks to the heavy car traffic, the soil has become contaminated.
There are insane amounts of lead and sulfur dioxide in this place that I was trying to call home. I made such a bad choice trying to grow here.
Worst of all, its not even just me that's effected, the mico-organims that normally reside within the soil have been harmed and the soil structure is breaking down because of it.
I [[die]] within two weeks, never truly living up to my true potential.